Just One Word… “Conservation”
con·ser·va·tion /ˌkɒn sərˈveɪ ʃən/ Spelled [kon-ser-vey-shuh n] –noun
The careful utilization of a natural resource in order to prevent depletion.
Electricity, gas, water and wind all have one thing in common. They are all energies we waste every day or our lives. We live at a turning point. We no longer have the convenience of wasting our natural resources. After years of global warming rhetoric, we face the reality that the need for conservation is here.
The U.S. Government passed the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 with specific guidelines to systematically reduce our energy usage. Our worldwide marketplace is beginning to understand as we now race to find new energies to drive our cars, our cities and our lives.
Conservation is the most inexpensive energy we will ever have because it takes any and all forms of energy and simply cuts the waste. It is that simple.
We at Energy Management Solutions have only one purpose; to conserve energy. It is our only focus.
You cannot manage without measuring. Only by measuring, setting baselines and monitoring energy can we eliminate waste.
When conservation becomes a main focus of a company, a funny thing happens. The company saves energy, which in turn saves money which in turn helps save the world. Sounds like a pretty good deal.