Reducing Your Energy Expenses Requires the Right Tools
Could you manage your company without a profit and loss statement? The answer is yes but not very efficiently. Without the correct tools, any job can waste precious time and energy resulting in lost income.
Energy Management is no different. You can cut your energy usage by changing out a few light bulbs and sealing some windows but until you have the right tools to do the job correctly, you will leave plenty of money on the table. When it comes to energy conservation, we are the tool you need. Let Energy Management Solutions show you the “power of conservation”.
Energy Savings is directly proportional to Energy Conservation. Most Businesses focus on the influx of new customers or the sale of more products to secure the bottom line. The strategy remains the same. Sell more product = make more money. As we continue in a period of business uncertainty, it becomes more important than ever to make the best use of what we already have. This is conservation in its purest form.
The wasting of Energy is rarely deliberate, yet we throw away millions of dollars every year just by not being aware. To manage energy wisely, you must measure.
Energy Management Solutions can measure every energy source entering your business and be able to accurately show you where the energy is being used. When you can visibly see your energy usage, only then can you start to make simple, intelligent decisions on how to stop wasting and start conserving. This savings translates directly to your bottom line. You make money by being conscious of energy usage without selling another widget or hiring another employee. Win-Win
There has been much talk recently concerning Demand Response. Demand Response charges can represent as much as 60+ percent of your electric bill. Being able to accurately measure your electric usage is a must for reducing your Peak Demand. Energy Management Solutions has the algorithms, software and hardware to provide this type of monitoring which can provide insight into immediate savings.